Thursday, April 1, 2010

Just what the doctor ordered

My trip to California was exactly what I needed
I read a whole book in one sitting on the plane. Didn't have to get up once or talk to anyone for 5+ hours.
We ate lots of great food, sunshine and laughs
We got pedicures
We heard great music
We had some much needed down time
I slept for 8 hours straight one night
I met a lot of incredible people
While I was gone Dan & the kids had a great time. On Sunday, he took them to the science museum to see a dinosaur exhibit.

I've only run once since the dog bite fiasco. The bite is almost all better but it really set me back. Need to find some mental motivation to get back in the game. I can't believe how nasty I feel. Gotta get my game face back on. Hopefully the weather has turned and so will my attitude.

Did I mention we got new tattoos?

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