Saturday, March 7, 2009

Date night

I usually try to stay away from blog games but I gave this one a shot & was really happy with the results.

Here's how you play!

1. Go to your 4th folder where you store your photos.**I had to pick the fourth folder in the fourth folder in the fourth folder before getting the 4th picture : )

2. Select your 4th picture (no exceptions)!

3. Post the picture with an explanation

4. Tag 4 people (or as many as you want) to do the same!!

I was very excited with my results. It's extremely rare that I can scroll through my photo files and find ones of Dan & me, especially alone.

This picture was taken in December 2007. I was about 18 weeks pregnant with Audrey, we were at Keith & Marla's house. Dan had worked all morning, then the band had practiced for endless hours and after that we had a Christmas party - full of food, fun & laughter. It was a great time with good friends.

I was even more excited to find this picture as we prepare to have a date night away - way overdue. I can't expose the details on here because I haven't filled Dan in on the events as of yet.

So for now, I leave you with this:


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