Sunday, April 18, 2010

Can we have a do-over?

This weekend was so stinky. The kids were rotten.

I had a really hard time figuring out what the heck people are referring to when they tell us to Cherish these moments.

Fighting, whining, lying, massive house destruction, crying, hitting, and so on. I wanted to wave the white flag outside our house. Then I wondered who would even WANT to come to the rescue with the way they were behaving. So since I signed up for this job, had to take it on full force.

Eventually, the house did get cleaned, we had a great taco dinner, everyone went to bed happy tonight..

There is hope for tomorrow but right now, I'm wiped out.


Friday night I went to boxing boot camp. My friend Christine went with me. We took our positions in the back of the class. That way I can distract myself from the impossible hour of torture by making fun of everyone in front of me. Because, you know, I'm perfect in those classes.

Saturday, we went back to the gym. Finally convinced Dan to switch gyms so we could go together on occasion. Nathaniel loves the kids area there and Audrey is getting better at going. They love that they can be there together.

Sunday, I hit the cold outdoors for a 4 mile run. Had to run by an unleashed dog. It stopped me right in my tracks. The owner was bent over his snowblower (in April??) and I almost hollered out for him to get his dog but I thought I needed to face this. So I tip toed to the other side of the street and walked by the house. Once I felt safe to keep my back to the beast, I picked up my pace again.

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