We've had such a great treat for March. It's not even MID-March and we've already been able to be outside so much. What a gift we've been given. It really is perfect timing, I think we were all a little DONE with being house bound.
I went for my first outside run of 2010 today. It felt amazing. Sun on my face, slight breeze. What a rush. I took a wrong turn and what I planned for a 3.5 mile run ended up only being 2.5. OOPS. I'll try again tomorrow. I did welcome the interruptions of having to wait to cross the road, seeing a coworker mid-run giving me the excuse to stop for a minute to chat, I had to stop once to play with my iPod.... SO Bummed that I missed that extra mile. No wonder I finished so quickly! At least I went. It felt so good that I'm starting to think again about some real training. A real challenge. Hmmmmm.
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