Saturday, April 9, 2011

What a weekend.

To Start, The winner of the Battle of the Country Bands 2011 is none other than Mr. Dan Morgan! Dan signed a contract with A1 Entertainment for a 1 year Artist Development Deal and Artist Management Agreement.

What this all means, we don't really know. We're not naive enough to think that it's a huge break. But we'll see what it's all about going forward. 

Going back 10 years, everyone that "knew something" about country music kept telling Dan to play more covers and less originals. He fought this and fought this.  Endless arguments with bar managers and association presidents.

Last night, he prevailed. Over the last 4 weeks, he competed against a total of 15 other bands. None of them did what he did at the quality he did.  Others had different styles or more "show" but the music didn't back it up.  Not to say they weren't good, they were.  We had NO real thoughts about actually winning, it was all just for fun. 

So he won.  It was exciting & very unexpected. 

Amazing things happened today.  We went TO THE PLAYGROUND and WALKED IN THE WOODS!!  No hats or gloves or boots or long underwear or shivering!!   So beautiful, I took tons of pictures and will share more as the week goes on. 

For now, I need to get in the shower for date night. We have the sitter coming again tonight so we can get back out for some celebration at the ol' MRB.

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