He only hit the lady in front of us once on the head with his light sword.
Tuesday Nathaniel had his first dentist appointment. They called his name. He told the girl "Actually, my name is Nate". He got up & went in there ALL BY HIMSELF! Didn't even look back at me. That was weird. Then he stood with me while I had two teeth worked on. He didn't leave the dentist much room to work because he was hovering so much, watching every little move. At one point, he put his bear Freddy under my hands to help me through.
Friday night I went to a pampered chef party at my friend Dana's house. Dana lives just outside Concord and is taller than me. I love her for that. She makes me feel short and that doesn't happen all too often.
I ordered cake pans, veggie peeler and measuring spoons. I signed up to have a party in August but I'll probably cancel that.
It was great to get out. She's interesting to talk too. For various reasons, she has switched to a gluten free diet. It fascinates me. I pick her brain like google about the subject. She loves to talk about it, I love to ask questions. We both love dancing. We both love the gym. It's a good match.
We met while out dancing a long time ago. Dan was playing. She was with this guy that was a total jerk. A year later, we ran into each other again. Total jerk guy is long gone and there's a new not-a-jerk guy in her life.
I didn't plan on going on about Dana. My purpose was to explain that I had a great night out at her party. Other than not being able to find my wallet when it came time to pay and then when I went to find said wallet I got locked out of her complex, without my coat on in 20 degree weather. So I came home from my great time out, was looking forward to falling into bed into a deep deep sleep and I pulled in to find all the lights on. Uh Oh. Not a good sign.
Audrey had the throw ups. Dan was in process of cleaning her bed, getting new sheets & new jammies. We figured the worst was over and huddled up on the couch. Without warning, projectile vomit came out of her mouth. And without thought, my hand went up to catch it. EW!
I'd love to take the stellar mom award at this moment but I can't. I'll let Angelina hold onto it for a little longer. I went to bed. Dan was up with her till she finally crashed at 2am.
Clingy Saturday, Super clingy Sunday. We didn't accomplish much on the home front.
Kids went to bed early Sunday night, I followed their lead and went to bed early. At 10:37pm, I was awoken by the spray of MORE vomit in my face. IN MY FACE!!! There aren't enough EWs in the world to cover that one.
At some point Nathaniel had come in my bed and proceeded to become ill. On my bed, on the floor, in the hall, on the bathroom floor and finally in the toilet. We cleaned all that up, got him settled back in his bed, where he threw up more. Then we all moved into the living room. 3rd set of jammies, 3rd set of bedding. More vomit. He never made it to the toilet, never made it to the bucket.
As Dan was on the floor cleaning everything up, Nathaniel leans over and says "Daddy, thank you for cleaning up my throw-ups".
Seriously, it doesn't get much sweeter than that.
I'm starting a new food plan tomorrow. Less than 5 weeks till my trip. I haven't been working out. Today was supposed to be the start of a great new week at the gym.
Time for bed now. Looking forward to a night NOT filled with throw up.
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