I'm working on changing the layout. I'm bored with how this place looked. Bear with me as I come up with something fresh.
8 more weeks and I'll be on a plane to California. Someone is having a big birthday and it's not me. We need some updated pictures together but here's two from the archives that are my favorite

This trip has resulted in a recommittment to the gym. Seems like everyone around is me loosing weight and firming up, so why was I still so lethargic. They've made amazing progress and I'm still at the same level as I was last fall. I did good last spring but then became stagnant. I was focusing on some large running goals but for now, I'm focusing solely on GETTING to the gym. I go at lunch time which makes for some interesting afternoon hair. I think my coworkers are used to it. I try to hide at my desk as much as possible from 2-4pm. I'm sure the afternoon daycare teachers just put me in the slob category. I can't wait to get running outside again.
The trip does make me nervous. I've never been that far away from the kids before. I feel like it's opening us up for some disaster. I need to get over it.
It's tax season! We've already filed and are anticipating the return. Amongst doing responsible things, Dan & I are getting new laptops. Some little boy dumped a large cup of coffee in mine over a year ago and it's been dying a very slow death ever since. I've gotten through with duct tape and prayer but I don't think I should put it off any longer. When we got Dan's laptop 5 years ago, we went cheap with a lazy processor. In the last 5 years, his computer abilities have come full circle and now he needs a more beefy computer. He's also been having major issues with his and has had to rebuild at least 4 times since December. We've been researching and reading and trying to figure out what's best for us - so overwhelming! It's a HUGE committment! I think it was easier to name children than it was to pick out a new computer. Did you know we're getting TWO laptops for less than what we paid for just ONE 4 years ago! Wow.
The kids are good.
Audrey is coming out with words now. Her favorite is Sorry. She'll hit you just to be able to say sorry. She's a horrible sleeper. She's showing interest in the potty. She's 100% girl and gets excited when she has dresses on. She'll come over to you, point at her dress and won't leave until you tell her she's pretty. Last week I put on her brown shoes, she threw a fit, took them off and brought me her pink shoes. She's really fun, loves to laugh. It's great to have a baby in the house but I really love the stages she's getting into. She can DO things now. She can play independently. She can do the stairs. She can eat everything on her own. No more high chair. No more baby gear. She's in love with "Bah-eeeee" Barney.
Nathaniel is 4. Nuff said? He's definitely kept us on our toes. He challenges everything we say and needs it explained completely. He never stops talking. Ever. I mean it. He's reading at school and is doing great writing too. They have computer class twice a week and lots of cool projects and lessons. They're getting outside once a day now depending on the weather. He can't wait to be 5.
He's learning cause & effect like never before. I'm trying to get into his head the difference between constructive play and destructive play. When working with him to clean his room, I'd asked for the 5th time to pick up the train tracks. He turned to me and said "blah blah blah" doing this fancy attitude movement at the same time. Needless to say, he lost his tracks for the week.
His imagination is wild. He has come up with a whole place that he works at and he has several employees too. He's named them Trinist, Treetopper and Metop. Trinist is the most popular that we hear about all the time. Trinist is 99, he lived at the old house that had a fire but now he lives in a green house. Trinist has a son named Trinist, he's 3. Trinist the dad, joins us wherever we go.
I'd say the last 6 months with him have been the most challenging of parenting thus far. We figure it out as we go and hope we're making good decisions.
I'm off to start another day. I'm already anxious for lunch time to get to the gym. I'm even more anxious for Friday 4pm. I want this week OVER.
Playing dress up
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