Thursday, October 1, 2009


We used to have gymnastics on Saturday mornings, then in the summer, it moved to Thursday nights. Then soccer started on Saturdays so we stuck with Thursday night weekly gymnastics. There used to be 5 kids, it slowly dwindled down to just Nathaniel. So now he gets a private lesson each week. It's been amazing for him.

We started him in gymnastics because he was so timid with us on the playground. He was afraid to do everything. He'd say: I can't do that. I need help. Hold my hand.

We're not talking on the big slide either.

At some point, maybe on a cold winter's night, I'll post a video from months ago. It's nothing compared to the video below.

I've exceeded my weekly limit on Vimeo to upload videos. I tried YouTube this time and now it's stalling on my screen. Might be good to click play, walk away while it loads, then come back and start it over. I give up.

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