It was a good birthday day. We got up early & frosted the cupcakes together for his class party. They loved the gummy worm added touch.
While heading out to the car, a particular four year old got in my way and I dropped one of the cupcake containers. Devastation ensued as Nathaniel thought his birthday was now over.
I failed to get any pictures of this catastrophe as there were 15 cupcakes and gummy worms on the floor, frosting everywhere and a very curious little girl ready to inspect everything.
I managed to salvage the 15 cupcakes, refrost them and we were on our way
We celebrated at home with cake after dinner.
We tried & tried to relight it.
RIP 9/3/06 - 9/3/09.
We had to improvise with some pink candles. Yes, Pink. It's all we had, thanks to Auntie Betty's thoughtfulness at Audrey's party.
He took making a wish Very seriously. He wished for more letters.
Whatever that means.
He probably should've wished for boy candles for next year.
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