He had a great first day of Pre-K 2. His new room is called Busy Bees. His teachers are Miss Karen and Miss Jillian. They seem nice, they're both new to the school which I'm hoping translates into enough enthusiasm to last a year.
On our way home tonight, he informed me that he's now a big kid. When I asked what makes him a big kid, he said because he gets to go in the Big Kid Playground now.
That's big stuff you know.
Nathaniel is psyched to be 4 this week. He talks about it non stop & is counting down the days till Thursday.
We moved him up into a twin bed which he claims is now bigger than mine. He also got a new guitar that he plays all the time. He's constantly writing new songs about things in his life and loves to perform for us.
He loves playing with his train sets, instruments and crafts. He knows every type of tractor and truck there is. He's fallen in love with the movie "Wizzah a Boz". His favorite part is the spinny thing in the beginning. His not so favorite part is when the scary witch is killed in the end.
He doesn't like riding his bike but he does like his scooter. He loves playing on the rocks in the backyard. He tells everyone he has 3 cats (neighborhood cats) and also that his dog General is dead because he was old.
We've started reading chapter books to him at night recently about Jack & Annie from the Magic Tree House series. They're excellent stories and I'm totally hooked on them. I can't wait to read them with him at night.
Audrey is a full blown walker now. Her personality is really coming out even more with her new freedoms. We've noticed a lot more recognition of words and how she tries to communicate back with us. She's slooooowly getting better at not being such a messy eater. I don't ever remember Nathaniel being this messy with food. Maybe we're just lazy with her.
She's about 22 pounds, loves fruits and veggies. She demolished corn on the cob the other night. Her favorite activity seems to be pulling every single book out of Nathaniel's book shelves. She'll sit for endless minutes stacking & unstacking blocks and playing cars with Nathaniel.
She still makes cute baby squeaky sounds when she's really tired.
She doesn't have any words yet really other than mama, dada and "mih", which I think is the start of milk. She can, however, sing the melody for A-B-C and the Barney song all the way through. I've attempted video but she quickly freezes when she sees the camera.
Both kids have tubes in their ears now so hopefully we'll avoid repeating the endless ear infection cycle of Winter 2008.
The kids are great, they're happy.
We're happy.